Tbilisi State Medical University Georgia (TSMU) - CLTC Higher Education

CLTC Higher Education

Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU)

Founded in 1930, Tbilisi State Medical University is a university in Tbilisi, Georgia. There are almost 7500 undergraduate and 3000 postgraduate students at the University about 25% of whom come from foreign countries. Tbilisi State Medical University has undergone Institutional Evaluation Programme, performed by Association of European.

TSMU is recognized by some of the most prominent bodies across the world:

SLMC (Sri Lanka Medical Council)

NMC (National Medical Commission)

WHO (World Health Organization)

Ministry of Education, Georgia

WFME (World Federation for Medical Education)

ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates)

FAIMER (The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research)


Graduate, Post Graduate and Research Degrees are available in Surgical, Medical, Dental, Nursing and Pharmacy Fields. Academic excellence to well-equipped experimental and clinical facilities available but no actual human cadavers due to country law. 

Currently the university is ranked 2647th in the world which is a plus point for most students.


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