New Updates On Part Time Work Rights In Australia For International Students - CLTC Higher Education

CLTC Higher Education

New Updates On Part Time Work Rights In Australia For International Students

Last updated: 04/10/2022

New Update!


Are you ready for some important news?

Unrestricted work rights for student visa holders to end on 30 June 2023

To address workforce shortages, student visa work hours restrictions have been temporarily relaxed. 

Until 30 June 2023, all ongoing students as well as new student arrivals and secondary applicants are able to work more than 40 hours a fortnight in any sector of the economy and work before their course of study commences.

After the 30 June 2023, the number of hours a Student visa holder will be allowed to work will again be capped. The number of hours a Student visa holder works, ensures that Students focus on obtaining a quality Australian education and qualification. Students must make sure they are aware of any changes to visa conditions, including work rights.

Information for employers;

Employers must continue to follow Australian workplace law. Overseas workers, including international students, have the same rights under Australian workplace law as all other employees.

While these measures are in place, the Department of Home Affairs and Australian Border Force will:

->Exercise their discretion under s116(1)(b) of the Migration Act 1958. This is to not cancel the visas of students who work  more than 40 hours each fortnight to support your organisation

->Not refer student visa holders for investigation of any potential offence under s235 of the Migration Act 1958. This might relate to the hours worked by a student visa holder in breach of their visa conditions

->Not refer you or relevant third-party labour hire companies, as an employer, for investigation of any potential offence under s245AC of the Migration Act 1958. This  might relate to allowing a student visa holder to work in breach of their visa conditions.

So if you are a student who would need to work part time to support your studies due to financial issues then you are recommended to apply as soon as possible so that you can make use of the unlimited work hours rule currently in effect which would greatly help you to earn more and support yourself without a limit. After 30 June 2023 this privilage will be set back to normal.

And 2+ years extension of work permit for international students in Australia. Meaning;


Degree holders

Number of years of stay previously

New Number of years of stay












If you want to study in Australia or know someone who does;

Please contact our admissions WhatsApp number +94770565616 with the following details of yours when sending Initial message;


High School Results, Degree GPA & Subject Done

Subject Needed And Which Level Bsc, Msc etc?

The max budget parents/you are able to manage for degree tuition fees only In USD per year. Eg:-28,000USD per year etc(According to budget your options will be mentioned)

Please remember to include each and every detail mentioned above when sending 1st message to receive faster response as the admission team gets so many applications per day.


 New Update!

Are you ready for some important news?


  • Unrestricted work rights for student visa holders to end on 30 June 2023

    • To address workforce shortages, student visa work hours restrictions have been temporarily relaxed. 

    • Until 30 June 2023, all ongoing students as well as new student arrivals and secondary applicants are able to work more than 40 hours a fortnight in any sector of the economy and work before their course of study commences.


After the 30 June 2023, the number of hours a Student visa holder will be allowed to work will again be capped. The number of hours a Student visa holder works, ensures that Students focus on obtaining a quality Australian education and qualification. Students must make sure they are aware of any changes to visa conditions, including work rights.


Information for employers;

Employers must continue to follow Australian workplace law. Overseas workers, including international students, have the same rights under Australian workplace law as all other employees.


While these measures are in place, the Department of Home Affairs and Australian Border Force will:


->Exercise their discretion under s116(1)(b) of the Migration Act 1958. This is to not cancel the visas of students who work  more than 40 hours each fortnight to support your organisation

->Not refer student visa holders for investigation of any potential offence under s235 of the Migration Act 1958. This might relate to the hours worked by a student visa holder in breach of their visa conditions


->Not refer you or relevant third-party labour hire companies, as an employer, for investigation of any potential offence under s245AC of the Migration Act 1958. This  might relate to allowing a student visa holder to work in breach of their visa conditions.


So if you are a student who would need to work part time to support your studies due to financial issues then you are recommended to apply as soon as possible so that you can make use of the unlimited work hours rule currently in effect which would greatly help you to earn more and support yourself without a limit. After 30 June 2023 this privilage will be set back to normal.


And 2+ years extension of work permit for international students in Australia. Meaning;


Degree holders

Number of years of stay previously

New Number of years of stay











If you want to study in Australia or know someone who does;


Please contact our admissions WhatsApp number +94770565616 with the following details of yours when sending Initial message;


High School Results, Degree GPA & Subject Done

Subject Needed And Which Level Bsc, Msc etc?

The max budget parents/you are able to manage for degree tuition fees only In USD per year. Eg:-28,000USD per year etc(According to budget your options will be mentioned)

Please remember to include each and every detail mentioned above when sending 1st message to receive faster response as the admission team gets so many applications per day.



If you are prospecting International applicant then you need to apply directly through the application processing WhatsApp Admission Line here.

Apply Now

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