Miss Tourism World Global Pageant 2022 [Exclusive Behind The Scenes Preparations] - CLTC Higher Education

CLTC Higher Education

Miss Tourism World Global Pageant 2022 [Exclusive Behind The Scenes Preparations]

                                                                                                                         Last updated: 20/10/2022


Did you know that even university students have won the most prestigous title as Miss Tourisim World before?

How much money does Miss World get?

As per known sources it is estimated the winner of Miss World will get about $1.5 million as cash. Miss World will get the salary for 1 year. She will get a lot of free clothes and other beauty products. Free traveling across the world, including hotel accommodation and food. 

How do you get selected for Miss World?

1- Participate in local and national pageantry events to familiarize yourself with the beauty events. 

2- Choose a coach to help you prepare for the beauty pageant. 

3- Apply to represent your country at the Miss World. 

4- To qualify the preliminary interview advocating for humanitarian issues is common.


Miss Tourism World Global Grand Final 2022

This December 80 winners from 80 countries will be battling it out for this prestigous title In Sri Lanka. Preparations are underway as the contestants/previous winners land on the competition destination and get ready. Enjoy some of the exclusive behind the scenes before the massive event that is upcoming which will be shown on worldwide International TV channels and media portals.

Miss Tourisim World Spain Behind The Scenes

Miss Tourisim World Spain Behind The Scenes Grand Final Prep

If you want to study abroad or know someone who does;

Please contact our admissions WhatsApp number +94770565616 with the following details of yours when sending Initial message;


High School Results, Degree GPA & Subject Done

Subject Needed And Which Level Bsc, Msc etc?

The max budget parents/you are able to manage for degree tuition fees only In USD per year. Eg:-28,000USD per year etc(According to budget your options will be mentioned)

Please remember to include each and every detail mentioned above when sending 1st message to receive faster response as the admission team gets so many applications per day.

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